For 30 years for those who know and for those who want to know
Orthodontics for general practicing dentists


Since 1998, we have been creating and teaching orthodontics for general practicing dentists. Dr. Howard Farran, during his first visit to Poland, introduced us to the person of Dr. Brock Rondeau. It was Dr. Brock Rondeau who was the first in Poland to teach us that orthodontic treatment of patients does not depend on one's specialty, but on the degree of knowledge, acquired skills and experience. Today, our teachers, and as the first who "Dared to Dream," Dr. Marcin Dolecki, thanks to his great willingness to acquire and expand knowledge at the highest level, passes it on to all doctors and thus enables them to undertake the most appropriate way of treating current and future patients.

After 11 years of working with the program's creator Dr. Derek Mahony, we are now conducting the third edition of the three-year "Master of Orthodontics" study in Poland. This is one of the most important events for us in our 24-year career. Without all our past, present and future graduates, it would never have been possible. We thank you for this time together and invite you to learn from all those who have the ability to inspire our lives to the level we would like to achieve.